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PhoneGap and Dreamweaver Apps – Tutorial Index

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PhoneGap Tutorials - Lifetime Access
Easily create apps using the web technologies you know and love: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about. Imagine being able to build apps that run on Android, iOS, Windows Phones, Palm, or Blackberry, with a single framework. PhoneGap does just that!
Module 1 Getting Setup  
PhoneGap is an amazing framework that will allow you to code in Dreamweaver (or other text editors) and deploy to multiple devices. Through most of the course, our instructor will be testing on a PC using his Android device but occasionally on a Mac using an iPhone. If you have Dreamweaver CS5.5 (or higher) then you are nearly setup already, but we’ve included a separate setup video for both Mac and PC users. And here’s the real beauty of PhoneGap: throughout the entire multi-session series, we’ll be using the same code regardless of the device type to interact with things like the Accelerometer, Battery status, Location, Camera, Contact Book, and so on.
Unit 1 PhoneGap Assets
Unit 2 Introduction
Unit 3 Introduction Continued
Unit 4 Setup for Mac
Module 2 Camera API, Events API, & GeoLocation API  
  • PhoneGap Camera API Tutorial – Learn how to take a picture or use a picture from the camera library. Explore options like save-quality, allow simple editing before selection, encode as PNG or JPG, desired width or height, and more.
  • PhoneGap Events API Tutorial – We’ll look at event types, such as what to do when the device is ready, an app is paused, app is resumed, the network has gone on or offline, the user presses the back, menu, or search buttons (doesn’t apply to iOS), a call has ended, the battery hits a critical or low level, or the battery status has changed.
  • PhoneGap GeoLocation API Tutorial - Explore how to get the current location of the phone, and look at properties like latitude, longitude, altitude, accuracy, heading, speed, and more. Also learn how to watch for changes in the current location
Unit 1 Camera API Tutorial
Unit 2 Events API Tutorial
Unit 3 GeoLocation API Tutorial
Module 3 Contacts API & Compass API.  
Topics include:
  • PhoneGap Contacts API Tutorial – Learn how to create, clone, update, remove and find contacts in the devices contact database. Access properties of a contact, like name (first, last, nickname), phone number, email, address, IMS, organization, birthday, note, photo, category, and URL’s associated with a contact.
  • PhoneGap Compass API Tutorial - Learn how to use the compass to detects the direction or heading that the device is pointed. Options to look at are the magnetic heading, true heading (relative to geographic North), heading accuracy, and time stamp when a reading occurred.
Unit 1 Contacts API Tutorial
Unit 2 Compass API Tutorial
Module 4 The PhoneGap Build Service and Storage API.  
Topics include:
  • Compile applications in the “Cloud” with the PhoneGap Build Service. You’ll also learn how to get started with QR Codes (Quick Reference Codes) to find and install your app from the PhoneGap servers. Also discussed are many details about publishing your app for iOS, Android, Blackberry and other devices.
  • PhoneGap Storage API Tutorial - The Storage API gives you the ability to create a database on the client side rather than on a remote server. Learn how to populate a database, retrieve data, delete data, and everything else related to managing your information.
Unit 1 Build Service
Unit 2 Storage API Tutorial
Module 5 Capture API and Media API  
Topics include:
  • PhoneGap Capture API Tutorial – This API allows you to capture an image, video, or audio. You’ll learn all the parameters involved with capturing these types of media (max duration, various modes, etc). You’ll learn how to store and retrieve the media. With these tools you could program your own voice or video recorder. Also discussed are the quirks between capturing media on different devices.
  • PhoneGap Media API Tutorial - The Media API allows smooth playback of audio without slowing down your application. This is a better option than using HTML5 based audio which could slow down your app, or Flash Player based audio, which isn’t available on the iOS devices. You’ll learn how to control your media with Play, Seek, Pause, Resume and Stop options.
Unit 1 Capture API Tutorial
Unit 2 Media API Tutorial
Module 6 File API  
We’ve saved one of the longest tutorials for last. While most of the lessons you can watch in any order you like, our instructor requests you watch most of the previous ones first because he combines many different API’s in this final lesson. With the File API you can access the device’s file directory. So you can search, read, write, upload and transfer files with this API, making it one of the most interesting ones.
Unit 1 File API Tutorial



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